
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Outcome of Killing Terrorists - USA’s and Sri Lanka’s

BBC quotes Mr. Barack Obama as having said the killing Osama Bin Laden was "the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al-Qaeda". The same source refers to former US President George W Bush describing the news as a "momentous achievement". Bin Laden was accused of approving the 9/11 attacks on New York’s Twin Towers in which nearly 3,000 people died.
Pirabaharan is accused of responsibility for over 70,000 deaths of Sri Lankans. He was found guilty of assassinating an Indian Prime Minister, a Sri Lankan President and many civilians in numerous attacks on various targets.
The US President obviously feels he has the right to boast of his soldiers’ achievement. But the armed forces in Sri Lanka, which got rid of the leader of the worst terrorist group in the world, and the Sri Lankan President and his inner circle that gave able direction that led to everyone in the country having two years so far of bomb-free existence are being branded as war criminals. The really sad state of affairs is that UN, which by statute is expected to act impartially, is forced to tow the US line, and its Secretary General who has assumed the mantle of accuser, judge, jury and executioner is asking other countries to act on the Darusman Report concocted and released by his hand-picked trio. All these experts, advisers, and high officials connected to or originating from the affluent West should be thankful that the average Sri Lankan is a relatively peaceful character.
Courtesy - The Island By Gamini Premadasa