The government will introduce an emergency hotline (1969) to assist users of the Southern Highway during an emergency and disaster situations.
Ports and Highways Deputy Minister Nirmala Kothalawela said the hotline has been designed to provide emergency roadside assistance relating to security, medical, fire extinguishing service and disaster management and other rescue services.
The hotline would provide emergency response to help the highway users with personal or medical emergency associated with an accidents or illness while they are on the highway.
The deputy minister said that the 24 hour emergency service units including emergency disaster service, ambulance service, police service, and fire and rescue service will be established on the Southern Highway. Meanwhile, emergency breakdown services will also be operated for the benefit of highway users. Highway users can call the hotline to obtain emergency service as well as other advise while they are traveling on the Southern Highway.
Courtesy - Daily News By Irangika RANGE